My 14 year old sister spent last week with me, and I drug her to all my usual tango events.
By Sunday, tango was all she could talk about! Ha!
Saturday night I took her to the milonga with me. We got there a little later than I normally do, and the floor was pretty quiet. I let her know she might not get many dances. Boy, was I WRONG! That girl got dance after dance after dance. I think she only sat out maybe 2 or 3 tandas. I was so happy for her.
And that's it. She's hooked.
Mwaaaah ha ha ha......
How is it that I didn't know you had a sister???
Yeah, 14. that's about the right age for most of the milongueros.
Elizabeth! That about made my tea come out my nose. Seriously, though, you can bet I had my eyes glued to her and whoever she was dancing with at all times. Well, except for those I knew well.
Shine, it's a long story but she's a recently adopted sister. Which is funny, because I never wanted a sister, but now I have one and it's really sweet.
Hey now, some of us have higher standards for ourselves!
My ideal age is 24, but that will change on October 13, when it ratchets up to 25. My daughter will be 20 on 10/13. My minimum is no younger than five years older than she is.
A man has to have some scruples.
I'm kidding, I'm kidding! Even at 48 we still love to push buttons like little boys....
It's nice to have some standards, Alex.
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