Sunday, October 5, 2008

We Have Positive Numbers! We're Pregnant!

143! That is a very respectable number. It's right in the range for a singleton. Which we like. It could be twins, but likely it's just one.

WooHOooooo! We're pregnant. And it's a happy healthy number.

We'll do another beta on Tuesday, to make sure the numbers are doubling. If the numbers double, it indicates a growing embryo. If they don't double, we'll do repeat betas until the numbers either start to fall or come back in line. If it more than doubles, that's great news. If it more than a lot doubles it might indicate multiples.

We will do an u/s on October 22 (they wanted to schedule it for the 20th, but I'll still be at TangoFest in Portland) to see if there is a heartbeat and how many there are.

sigh. I feel like I can breathe!

the due date: June 14th. Hah! We have a due date!!!!


Meinsideout said...

Yes, yes, yes!!!!!! I just got goose bumps - I am thrilled for you and the Intended Parents!!!! Does it seem like more than one might be nestling in????

Meinsideout said...

Incredible!!!!! Are you having any symptoms?

I will post my beta as soon as I can tomorrow - I probably will not do it from work since I am uber paranoid...but the temptation may prove too great. If it works out for us, I will be due one day after you!

Anonymous said...

Can I do the Happy Dance now????

Eric said...

:-) I'm so happy for you! They have birthday tangos, I think they should have a prego tango for you!

Mtnhighmama said...

YES YES YES! Happy happy dance.

My milonga will have a little extra zing this afternoon!

Mtnhighmama said...

ack! any kind of performance like that freaks me out. seriously. which means that come my birthday, nobody better be announcing it at the milonga. No Thank YOu!

which reminds me,Johanna, what happened with your performance?

R said...

WOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! That is a great number!! I am soooooo happy for you!!! Can't wait to hear all the wonderful pregnancy stories :)

Anonymous said...

Nothing yet. I have not made it back to that milonga due to maladies...

Fear not, however. As soon as it happens, I will let you know :-)

Psyche said...

Hurrah! Congratulations!

Anaya's Mama said...

Yay! Congratulations! I may not be a dancer but I'm doing a happy dance!

Alyce said...

That's fantastic!
And you'll produce babies with tango souls!

Mtnhighmama said...

ahhahha, I'm carrying a little tangobaby.

Actually, this pregnancy will give me a chance to work on my Belly Button Burlesque project with the DramaKings. I don't see myself performing much drag this pregnancy, so I think I'll work on developing some new burlesque pieces. I have these great pasty routines worked out in my head...including a twirling pasty for my belly button!

Meinsideout said...

Hey girl, I am thinking doubling thoughts for you.

FYI, Niki at myjourneytomilesandbeyond had her beta skyrocket from 19 to 101.

tangobaby said...

Congratulations! I'm so excited for you!

And Belly Button Burlesque to boot? You are my kind of girl!
