Thursday, October 2, 2008


So, this is why I hate testing. Hate myself for giving in.

This morning's test? not a smidgeon darker. *sigh*

And the ugly fear monster rears it's ugly head.

I don't want this to be another chemical. And one morning test doesn't mean it is. But I'll sit here and obsess about it anyway.


1 comment:

Meinsideout said...

I know what you mean - I took a FRER last night (2AM) and got a bfp - it was so very, very light my DH (he has bad eyes, really) could not make out the line this morning when he woke up. I tested again at 7AM and it was still really, really light.

We are both early in the game so I am sure it will get darker soon. I have to go away to a retreat until tomorrow night so I look forward to seeing your update when I get home!