Friday, December 5, 2008

I danced

Yesterday I woke up feeling It was wonderful. And at about 6pm, I knew I'd be going to the practica. And I did.

I went in knowing that I really only intended to dance two or so tandas, and that there were only two leaders I felt comfortable enough to dance with, and they were both there, and it was really really nice.

But I was still worried. 6 weeks with no dancing. From 5 nights a week to nothing, for 6 weeks. Not even the desire. I was worried how I would feel, how my dance would be, concerned that somewhere I had lost that ephemeral "it".

The dance was fine. All that anxiety, and I felt ok. I didn't feel ungainly, stupid, uncoordinated or like I had forgotten everything. In fact, I smiled. A lot.

And when the second leader inquired about my absence and I explained that I was pregnant with twins and hadn't been well, the sweetest twinkle and the nicest glow swept over him, and he hugged me and said he was so looking forward to dancing with me as I got bigger. And it was so genuine and gleeful that I couldn't help but feel beautiful and wanted and appreciated. That, truly, was the most wonderful thing that could have happened to my dance last night.


Anonymous said...

"It" will come and go through the years. We sometimes hate Tango as much as we love it. Although we may try to leave it, "It" never leaves us.

So glad you had a good time.

Elizabeth Brinton said...

Wow..just think, when you dance, four people will be there, in the music and the embrace together...incredible.

Meinsideout said...

That is great that you are getting some dancing in. Your post gave me a nice, warm visual.

tangobaby said...

That second leader is a keeper. What a sweetie. And what a great story. I'm glad you had a good time.